Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I received Great Northern’s Trading Twilight for Daylight a little less then a week ago, and I don’t know where I stand…I love it, but then I feel like there something missing. I gave it what I thought was to be its final listen, on my way to work this morning, before writing this. The album played perfectly in my head phones as I read up on the news from the night before. I couldn’t have picked a more perfect record. From the opening piano in “Our Bleeding Heart” to the end of the record, “Babies” ends with about 20 seconds of light static from a record player…fin. Beautiful…This evening when I was leaving the office after a rather monotonous 9 hours, I wanted to feel as light hearted as I did this morning, no dice. It just came off as background music to my trudge home. Regaurdless of my poor mood, Great Northern have captured a small piece in time with Trading Twilight for Daylight.

From electro-folk pop songs like “The Middle” to the soft and eerie “Low is a Height” with its subtlety sweet production and lovelorn lyrics. Twilight for Daylight plays more like a compilation of songs then the collaboration between song writers Solon Bixler and Rachel Stolte. Great Northern with drummer Davey Latter and bassist Ashley Dzerigian are headed in the right direction.

Great Northern will be heading out across the country in support of their record this month, and will hopefully add some more dates soon.

10 May 07 San Francisco, CA @ Popscene

15 May 07 Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo: ALBUM RELEASE PARTY!! w/ The Movies, Twilight Sleep

27 May 07 Portland, OR @ Holocene w/ Loney Dear

30 May07 Los Angeles, CA @ The Troubadour w/ Loney Dear

01 June 07 San Diego, CA @ Beauty Bar

04 June 07 Denver, CA @ Larimer Lounge

06 June 07 Minneapolis, MN @ The Varsity w/Mary Timony

08 June 07 Chicago, IL @ Shuba's w/Mary Timony

09 June 07 Toronto, ON Canada @ Lee's Palace w/ Urge Overkill

10 June 07 Montreal, QC Canada @ Divan Orange

13 June 07 Boston, MA @ Middle East (upstairs) w/Mary Timony

Great Northern - Home

Great Northern – The Middle

Pre0rders Great Northen’s upcoming (out 15 May 2007 Eenie Meanie Records) here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Its May 1st...that can only mean one thing...
  1. Its time for Moustache May