well i don't know if this is going to start the next stage in this simple blogs life, but for now i'm making another attempt to transmit my thoughts on music art and everything pop-culture. i have to be honest, i kinda felt disheartened by the end of 2008. maybe it was just my state of mind, but it wasn't really what i thought it would be...musically.2009 (MMIX) however is a new leaf for me in many ways. while losing my mind over everything as we all counted down another end to another year i found some solace in the music from my adolescence/teenage years. a cluster fuck of punk, hardcore, noise and grunge that back then seemed like flashes in the pan and various bands that were "huge" (in the minds of lost kids everywhere). but in some way brought me to a nostalgic stasis that i can only liken it to coming to terms with something that is undeniably a part of who i am, not was...and i'm taking in this new found um...er...musical revelation [for lack of a better term].this post being all about new beginnings, let us start of by mentioning some long overdue, much appreciated news about nj band
the wrens.
now for anyone who doesn't know me, brooklyn is actually my third home. i've spent more time jumping between philadelphia suburbs and south jersey absorbing the culture [see above] and leaving it all behind for a career in the music industry (its okay to laugh mockingly here). during my time in the garden state i was introduced to a band called the wrens by a local record store clerk named ,steve or jeff or mark, i forget. what i do remember is the sounds of seacaus playing over the stereo. it was more or less love at first listen and one of my few impulse buys that i wouldn't regret later. i took the album home and listened to it on repeat until i was sick of it and then i played it over the stereo as i slept. i was too young to understand why this band was so good. i knew it was good but it wasn't until much later as i moved through social circles and relationships that i would have the knowledge to start grasping it all. even now when i go back to the wrens i find new things, new lyrics, new chords, new emotions that i missed before or just neglected to catch during one of my many fawning sessions. needless to say i love the wrens, so when news of them playing a show or a rumor about them recording a follow up to their 2003 album the meadowlands, i become more attentive than a kid watching sesame street.
magnet magazine...a staple in the philadelphia music scene for 15yrs now and you'd probably be hard pressed to find another publication that supports the wrens as much as they do.
well magnet updates their site far more often then the wrens website (sorry guys its true), and i caught the header in my rss reader...
as seen her .
anyway long story short...wrens...new songs
here and
here...promising progress from a band who puts out a record one every 7 years...and i hear they're experimenting with the sousaphone.