Tuesday, March 20, 2007

There are less than 6 hours left until spring, and I guess that is a good enough reason as any to write my first post on this blog. So I thought I would start off with something simple…Okay something lame.

Hi, my name is Sean and I am a 25 year old who just recently moved to Brooklyn. I am the bassist in a band that is located just outside Philadelphia. Most of my free time is taken up by music related things (reading other music blogs, reading and writing emails to people, going to shows/playing shows, “networking”, etc). So I decided, on a few occasions, to start a blog. I know I’m some what behind on the whole ‘I’m a blogger thing, but what does it really matter. This is just a place for me to voice my opinion, just like everyone else. I don’t foresee this becoming a huge deal. I probably won’t be writing here everyday. And I don’t think anything I may write will interest anyone, but who am I to be such a pessimist. So with out further ado…Welcome to My Buzzed Recollection!

I feel like I should put up some mp3s or something, but I am not that prepared, (don’t want no RIAA on my ass just yet)…I guess you could go HERE and get some songs from my band…I think I can do that for now.