Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Woodies mad me ill

I made out to MTVu's 4th annual Woodie awards. It was um, interesting....I didn't know it was happening until the night before. And I didn't vote, but a friend pointed out that the bands that were present, were the ones that ended up taking the woodies home, aside for Madvillian winning the left field Woodie...I don't know if it just happened that way or if every awards show really is set up...

The night was pretty uneventful...The performances were good, and the drinks were strong. The most interesting thing to happen during the night was watching the antics of Philly's MC Spank Rock, and his interactions with the live blogging tables of The Gothamist and Best Week Ever.

And to make things even better...between Rilo Kiley's 2 song set (They closed out the night's performances and the show itself), MTV handed out a press release...which I find pretty ridiculous...its pretty much the equivalent to live blogging but in hard copy form. I even took the time to jot down notes during the precedings to re-tell the story to everyone...but instead you can just read about it.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Regardless I ended up waking up the next day feeling sick, and even now I'm still fighting this badass cold...


Dany said...

i'll show you my woodie