I listen to a lot of music…
On the train, at work, when I’m floating about online, and when I go to bed…
I sometimes feel bored with what I have at my disposal, but then I find an album floating around on a spindle or in a book and I put it on and I recall all the memories that I associate with it.
Tonight it there were 2 such CDs…one artist.
I don’t know why, but I pulled out MF Doom’s Live at Planet X the other day for a friend, and it’s been on my coffee table just staring at me. So I placed it into the cd player and I remember…
It’s hard to believe that the album is over 3 years old. A testament to MF Doom’s talent?!...
But upon listing, I heard the infamous Accordion and so I obviously had to dig into my semi-organized cd collection and pull out the Mad-Lib/MF Doom Collaboration Madvillain.
Madvillainy is by far one of the best records of the decade. I don’t care what anyone says.
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