Monday, April 9, 2007

“What are you listening too? Is this Black Lips?”…”No its Joy Division…”

Now I think I’m pretty current on new bands. As are most of my friends and acquaintances, but it’s difficult to know every band out there. Say I read 10 music blogs a day…That’s 10 (possibly new) bands to find…That equals 3650 bands to discover every year…

A friend recently asked if a Joy Division song was the Black Lips. I’ve heard of the Black Lips (i.e. seen there name written somewhere, heard them mentioned, and left The Cake Shop 20 minutes before their set during CMJ), but never sat down and listened to them thoroughly. Well that’s changed. I can say that I do truly enjoy them, and now wish I had stayed to see them.

I’m not trying to compare them to post-punk pioneers Joy Division, but I guess I needed that comparison to kick myself into the now…although if someone compared me to Joy Division I wouldn’t take offense to it…

The Black Lips have it, and stories of their live performances that proceed them where ever they go. The kind of stories that we'll end up telling our grandchildren to impress them.


Just two great paving the way for the other....paving the way for the next comparison.