Friday, April 11, 2008

"Inside Straight Edge"

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TGIF. I've been sick this week so I'm slow moving, but still an improvement over the past few months.

Yuppie Punk and Punk News ran a news piece on this new National Geographic TV documentary on the Straight Edge lifestyle. Focusing mainly on Boston Straight Edge group "Friends Stand United", or as they are more ominously known "Fuck Shit Up". I don't have cable and have yet to watch anything further then the clip that NG had up, but I'm already familiar with the story. I have straight edge friends and some friends that belong to FSU. I also have friends who are openly gay, and African American. I also had friends that were in skin-head gangs...The point I'm trying to state is even if I don't agree with some of your beliefs I don't judge one person on their click (unless forced to choice my ideals over theirs).

Its too bad my roommates and I are to poor to get cable. I would be very interested to watch the documentary. I guess I'll have to wait until it becomes available to buy or download or stream.

Yuppie Punk has a great link to answer all of your sXe questions

And a clip:


blaqckdeath said...

Straight edge kids are pieces of shit. What you do with yourself is your decision, and they're not making anything safer by infringing upon and beating the shit out nonviolent kids and robbing dealers who are going to face the dealers repercussions because someone else fucked up their shit. Being a resident of Reno for ten years, I've seen this atrocity in motion and can say first hand that they need to mind their fucking business and live their own lives.