Friday, April 18, 2008

Tim Kasher's Big Screen Debut

Cursive /The Good Life front man took some time to sit down with the LA Times. to discuss his new screen play. Yes, he has written a movie which has been picked up byindependent production company Parts & Labor. Mr. Kasher also talks about life in Los Angeles since recently moving there. You can read all about it here.

But what I really want to talk about is Tim and Cursive's first band, Slowdown Virginia.

I was talking to a friend from Nebraska few weeks before the interview about Slowdown Virgina. I lost the only copy of the album I had (it was a burned copy and was badly scratched but it still played) during my move to New York City, and the few mp3s on my computer just isn't cutting it...

My friend and I both agree that Slowdown's sound, style and aesthetic was the foundation for all the original Saddle Creek bands.

In short...I can't wait until I can listen to Dead Space again.