Friday, April 25, 2008

Matador Records Spring Sampler '08

Hey everyone that doesn't subscribe to and/or read Matador Records blog!

The men and women of our favorite record label have done some spring cleaning and put together a 12 track spring sampler of some of their featured artists.

Track listing:

1. Jay Reatard - Always Wanting More (from 7" #3 due, out June 17)
2. Times New Viking - DROP-OUT (from Rip It Off)
3. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Cold Son (from Real Emotional Trash)
4. Shearwater Leviathan - Bound (from Rook, due out June 3)
5. Cat Power - Metal Heart (from Jukebox)
6. Matmos - Polychords (from Supreme Balloon, due out May 6)
7. Mission Of Burma - That s How I Escaped My Certain Fate (from Vs.:The Definitive Edition)
8. Jaguar Love - Bats Over The Pacific Ocean (from Take Me To The Sea, due out this summer)
9. The Cave Singers - Helen (from Invitation Songs)
10. Dead Meadow - I m Gone (from Old Growth)
11. The New Pornographers All The Things That Go To Make Heaven And Earth (live) (from Live From Soho (iTunes Exclusive))
12. Earles & Jensen Bleachy Is Back In Town, Look Out (from Just Farr A Laugh Vols. 1 & 2: The Greatest Prank Phone Calls Ever!)

Intended Play 2008 (zip file)