The orchestra did well performing the Rite:Remix. The sound was superb and it was just wavy enough to prepare the audience for crazy experimental sounds of Deerhoof.
Deerhoof is a hard band to describe to someone who's about to see them live for the first time. Sure their avant-garde noise pop is both at once obtrusive and enlightening, but you can never really show someone Deerhoof until they've seen them live.
The quartet from California doesn't really make any attempt to cater to the fans. They just play their music, and as founder/drummer Greg Saunier said, "...I'm sorry if I forgot to mention this earlier I was just to focused on playing...". And this is Deerhoof (to me atleast). A band that doesn't care to impress or influence anyone but its own members. They've been putting out music for over a decade and its just now that they've accidentally stepped into the lime-light with last years, Friendly Oppurtunity.
The band is also jumping onto the whole free music bandwagon, but with a twist that only Deerhoof (and The Wrens (sort of)) could think of...Instead of worrying about their songs leaking to the masses, Deerhoof has actually challenge its fans and anyone else who thinks they can handle it to record their own version of the single "Fresh Born". Providing the sheet music and a place to upload the submissions for anyone brave enough to attempt taking on the band that makes music seem as complex as it is fun.
Deerhoof's latest effort, Offend Maggie, is set for release October 7th 2008. Check out their Kill Rock Stars site for more information
Deerhoof - Running Thoughts (mp3)
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